I am affraid there are no blanks for me to fill in today as they are all on American Thanksgivig, and well I am up North! Besides, today I am also feeling a little funny in the head. I dont know if it is pregnancy hormones or something else but I have been really  "off" for over a week now. I need a pick me up, and maybe some of you do to? So I am doing a 're-post' here but it is an old blog post from before I had so many lovely followers. It is one that I read again and again when I need a little boost. I hope it can do the same for you

It is said that if you can change your thoughts you can change your life...or something like that. Many of us, myself included, walk through life with a broken record playing in the background. I don't know about you but I could use a better soundtrack. It has been proven that negative thought patterns not only effect our bodies but also weave deep complicated negative trenches into our brains....making it hard to "get out of a funk". Our brains literally become hardwired to expect, almost look for, the worst. But by simply thinking something different, and believing it to be true, wanting it to be true, you can re-boot the suborn hardrive that is your brain.

Its all about affirmations, but honestly not many of us can keep a straight face while they look in the mirror and tell themselves how fucking awesome they are, unless your Barney Stintson.

Just the word affirmations is bound to bring something like this to mind

Yet as much as we make fun of it, there is something to be said for the power of words. If you have ever been bullied you will know this to be true. If you call someone stupid for long enough, the sad fact is that eventually they will start to believe it.

So what if we take back that power and flip it on its head? What if we got over the giggles and silly feelings and told ourselves every morning how much we love ourselves? How awesome we were....

After all Masaru Emoto proved that words effect water....simple water crystals can be effected by the power of words!

Considering that well over 50% of our bodies are comprised of water, it kinda makes you think twice about the "fat talk" eh?

I dont have a healthy "script", and its been on repeat since I was 16 years old. SCREEEEEEEEECH! Time to yank that needle of the record and play a new fucking track!

How's about something like this?
I AM SO EXCITED FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!! Eeeeeeeeeeek! I love decorating for Christmas and I can't wait to start, but it feels fake if I start before December 1st. But I am already daydreaming of my house all warm and cozy and ull of Christmas cheer! Ryan and I always decorate the tree together while watching A Charlie Brown Christmas. I know every word by heart. This year we are also throwing a huge Christmas party, I am very excited! I think I will scan some old funny Christmas photos to share with you all, for now, here are some Christmasy things that I love
Except these. Not these. I hate these with a passion. Nylon covered Christmas balls. Pretty? Yes. Practical? NO! They always make a mess and every year one of my katz winds up finding one and unraveling it. And then of course getting sick from eating nylon thread. Yay hairballs. These should be banned. Bah!
So I am kinda cheating here with this post....no new music video to share with you  today. BUT I do have this cute lil piece of musical awesomness. Want to know the secret to being a great parent? Apparently, its Bob Marley
Just so you don't feel to cheated dear readers, I also have this great Etsy find for you! Custom made lovers tree pillows. I am so getting one for Ryan for Christmas, hope he doesn't read this blog post! LOL. Click here to view their shop
Sorry my posts have been a bit scant lately, just still trying to manage my time between work, home, prego stuff, etsy shop, kraft fairs, blog yadda yadda yadda. I am sucking right now, I am sorry. I will get better! Sometimes maintaining a regular blog can be overwhleming!
Sorry kittens no prego update for today as I am still recovering and cleaning up from a craft fair I was in yesterday. Ill post an extra special one next week!
1.   My last haircut was: 3 months ago at Bang Town in Vancouver. It is like an old school barber shop meets tattoo parlor! SO COOL! And they have beer on tap, I mean seriously what more could you want?

2.  My most daring hair moment was: when I shaved my head when I was 16. Some rough stuff had recently gone down and I kinda lost it....and uh yah. Shaved my head! Not like bald, but it was maybe an inch long.

3.  A hairstyle I'd never be brave enough to try is: a Mohawk. I would just feel less feminine, I dont know why. My bff did a longer girly one once, and I loved it on her. But I could never do it myself.

4.  I've always dreamt of being a (blonde, brunette or red-head): a natural black haired beauty, hence dying my hair super dark brown to cover the mousyness and greys.

5.  My go-to hair do is: if I am in a rush? A messy bun thing. If I have time? Side parted bangs with a half up half down do....what I have today!

6.  My biggest hair disaster was: the time I died my hair with kool aid while high on mushrooms. I had bleach blond hair and used strawberry punch kool aid thinking it would be fun for a day and wash out. Uhm....no. Imagine being on mushrooms, at London Drugs, trying to select a box of brown hair dye to cover that. FAIL

7.  A hairstyle I am dying to try is: lowlights, maybe letting my hair grow out all to my natural color and just doing low lights rather then an all over darker die.

8.  My best hair day: a tie between my college bar hoping days when my long hair gave me a sexy tousseled look the day after and my wedding day hair. It was a romantic, curly, soft updo and I loved it! 

9.  The worst hairstyle I ever had was: my over processed blond in a box phase, dear God I am so not meant to be blond! What was I thinking?

10.  My hair is : extremely thick, like enough for 4 heads. And has a stubborn wave to it that varies from curl to wave to frizz. The less I wash it the happier it is!
Above are some photos from our Halloween. Ryan and I went as a dead victorian couple, and we creeped out more then a few people. Especially Ryan! Vancouver gets really into Halloween, with amazing haunts free to explore and wander about. What did you all do for Halloween? Did any of you dress up?
I love to walk in the rain listening to this song on my headphones....
Sleep. I thought I had 7 more months to enjoy all the sleep I could get? And boy do I even want it. But no. No sleep for you Mz. Kami. No, instead you shall lie awake until 3am and fall asleep only to wake up every hour on the hour. GAHHHHHK! So, I am a lil cranky today. I really really realllllllly hope that tonight I sleep. SOLID.

In other news my belly has popped, and all pants are now being held up by elastic bands looped through buttonholes and around buttons. Yes, I have tried the Bella Band but seriously? How the hell do you get that thing to work , let along feel comfy? Mine just keeps riding up on me and makes me feel constricted.

Food! Glorious food! Getting better with most foods and less gagy, THANK GOD! I still can't do chicken (petting zoo of death stench!) but ironically I am ok with beef. The other day I had a craving for Sloppy Joes, French Fries and Coleslaw....and my awesome hubby made me exactly that for dinner. Sloppy Joe's from scratch! No canned crap for us, and oh my goodness it was DIVINE!

The bug is now 10 weeks and 2 days and apparently 1.5 inches long. I read that during the 10th week the fetus will develop 25, 000 neurons per MINUTE! PER MINUTE! Ryan and I think we have probably killed that many brain cells in one night of drinking....

Last but not least tomorrow is our first Midwife appointment, and I am so excited! Just makes everything seems so much more real! I plan on having a natural birth, with a midwife, in the hospital. I am just full of questions for her tomorrow, I hope she is ready for me an the bug!
This movie inspires me! Moves me! Makes me want to be a better woman, and it makes me want to VOTE! Next time you skip your turn at the ballot box think of how hard women fought to get you that right! They were beaten, starved and harassed! This film, staring Hillary Swank, takes place in 1918 at the hight of the american suffragette movement. They were arrested for picketing a war time present (Woodrow Wilson) fighting for the right to vote. While in prison they were beaten and subject to numerous humiliations. The suffragets went on a hunger strike and were force fed in severly cruel manners. This movie WILL inspire you. 

Shortly after seeing this film some girlfriends and I took a raod trip to Ottawa to view the "Famous Five" statue on Parliment Hill: Emily Murphy, Irene Marryat Parlby, Nellie Mooney McClung, Lousie Crummy McKinney and Henrietta Muir Edwards. These women bravely challenge the 1928 Canadian Supreme Court ruling that women are not persons under law. Not suffragetes, but a rich part of Canadian Women's history.
Here is a picture of me, I was so excited to finally see it...and I had just graduated with my degree in Women's Studies. I was double excited!
Then of course there is the story of how we got lost driving to Ottawa....and wound up in Quebec. Didnt notice it until we saw this:
Silly french stop signs!
Ryan is away on a biz trip to California and I am feeling sappy and missing coming home to him. So in light of that this weeks theme is RYAN! These are songs that make me think of him and all our years together
and last but not least...our wedding song