1.   I wish: I was at home in my jammies curled up with a good book and my hubby.And I wish he wasnt out at work until late tonight :(

2.  Yesterday: I went for dinner with my Dad and he told me how happy he was for Ryan and I and how we were "the greatest people this could have happened too".

3.  Today I will: possibly buy a pair of maternity jeans after work, I may not have put on much weight but as organs shift around and ligaments loosen holy dinah my belly is in the way! And getting bigger each week. Elastic waist bands here I come!

4.  Tomorrow I will: attempt to shove my chubby prego frame into a party dress so that I can go to a  Golf and Country Club in Richmond for Ryan's staff Christmas party.

5.  Maybe: Ill go tight fitted dress and show off the bump? Or should I go loose and flouncy? Hmmmmmmm

6.  Someday: Ill sit "the bug" down and tell her/him all about the crazy ride that is pregnancy

7.  I love: Christmas, my kats, my husband, my bed, my house, my family, my friends, and my growing bug belly

Thanks to Lauren over at The Little Things We Do! Head on over and join the fun....
I have been such a slacker with this blog, like really bad. I blame prego brain. I may be only 14 weeks and 5days along but I tell yah, I get as easily distracted as a 2 year old these days. There is so much I want to do but I simply don't have the energy to do it all! Even art journaling last night proved to be a task of epic proportions. Pathetic. But bit by bit, one project at a time I am getting things done. It helps that craft fair season (for me at least) is over now. I can focus on the home and the holidays! Speaking of the holidays I thought I would do a fun picture post on my Holiday wish list! Ryan and I aren't doing much for each other this year, but a cal can day dream her hubz won the lottery right?
First item on the dream wish list, an Xbox Kinect. These things are INSANE! They make a Wii look like dogs chew toy. It senses your ENTIRE bodies movement, without a control! Its a great workout and looks like so much fun! Watch the video:
El prego over hear needs some new clothes! Things jut don't fit right anymore...could be the whole belly thing getting in the way. It may not be huge yet, but its bigger! And noticable! A shopping day for some prego basics would be nice :)
Id also really like a Spa day. My new prego shape body is aching and screamin out for more then a back tickle in front of a movie. . . although that is super nice too! But I am talking preo mamma pamper day!
With a pedicure and luxurious foot rub....
And a facial to really bring out my pregnancy glow :)
And maybe after my awesome pamper session I could curl up with some ice cream and watch my very own copy of the double disk special edition "Eclipse"!
What do YOU want Santa to bring you this year?
I just discovered the wonderful world of "Feed Your Soul Art" today and I was so excited I had to share it with you all. She creates these whimsical mixed media pieces that speak to the child within all of us! Here are some of my faves:
I think I am going to head over to Etsy and buy some of her work for "the bugs" room if not for my own! Her wonderful work inspires me to start art journaling again and I think I just might! Now that my craft fairs are all down for the season I have time to get back to the roots of my arts and crafts...healing and personal growth!

I love Tricky, lovvvvvve him! Wether on his own or with Massive Attack his voice just has this sexy apeal that gets me going. I used to listen to this song on repeat in Grade 12:
And now he has a new song, YES! Here it is folks:
While you are here check out the moves on this 8 YEAR OLD B-boy! SICK!
So here I am, 13 weeks along and feeling pretty great! My belly has really popped though, and it is surprising for how early I am. Hopefully we don't hear two heart beats at the next midwife appointment, not that twice the joy wouldntbe welcome....but WOWZA! Scary thought. Mind you my mom was HUGE wih my brother and I and my Aunt showed early too. Maybe its just genetics. Here is a picture:
So far I gotta say the second trimester is pretty great! My energy has returned and I find I can run on less sleep...good practice for the future LOL! I am feeling massive nesting urges to keep the house clean, move things around and plan plan plan. All my ligaments and tendons are like taffy! I wake up contourted in the weirdest postions and I can feel my ab muscles beeing steched to their limitis when I laugh. I just finished off my last craft fair for the season (and it was AWFUL!) but I am glad it is done, because now I can focus on crafts for me and the bug!
1.   Black Friday is: more of an American thing but it seems to be more popular up here in Canada now too. The first "official" shopping day of the Christmas season, lots of sales. I have never been to any of them myself. Too early to shop yet!     

2.  Christmas shopping this year will include: craft supplies and that is about it. Ryan and I plan on making all our gift this year, and I can't say what as it is a secret!  

3.  Holiday shopping makes me: happy and excited! I love buying people presents and most years you have to reign me in as I love to spoil people, especially Ryan!      

4.  This year my Christmas list will include: I havent given a thought to what I would like for Christmas, for me its all about making everyone else happy!  

5.  Bargain hunter, or full price shopper? Hello!?!? Who the hell doesn't love a bargain?    

6.  The best and worst things about shopping is: The best is getting a Pepermint Mocha from Starbucks and wandering around looking at all the pretty things that could make my loved ones smile. The worst is how competitive, stressed, and greedy people get. I tune them out with my Ipod and sip my mocha, oblivious to them all     

7.  Online shopper or in-person shopper? If I can't touch, see, feel, smell, test what I am about to buy then I am not interested

Now why don't you head on over toLauren's blog and join in on all the fun?

Do you live in the Greater Vancouver area? If so you should come to the Blim Community Market this Sunday!!!! It's only 1 month until Christmas, get a head start with unique one of a kind items. This holiday season buy local and support the hand made revolution!!!
I love love love this woman, such a sultry voice! Not many folks have heard of her....I hope you all will give her a try and please let me know what you think.
This Saturday morning I got out of bed, put on my cozy slippers and walked out into the living room...to see that it had SNOWED! It was the morning of the first day of my second trimester and all seemed perfect in the world. I was snug and warm in my PJ's, my kitties were curled up on a blankie on the couch, and the whole world was quite, still and white.

That is when I noticed that Ryan wasn't home. After looking around the house for him I returned to the living room to see him walk through the door with a bouquet of flowers, a card, and a yummy Gingerbread Latte from Starbucks! "Happy first trimester sweetie!!" he said. I am the luckiest girl in the whole wide world.

So far this trimester is off to a fairly good start. My energy level is still low, but much better then it was before and food tastes normal again! I can pretty well eat anything now! HOORAY!!!!!! But I am not sleeping well, and my moods are pretty erratic. To be expected I guess as I have a lot on my mind, but I also have a history of "the blues" and a mother who got really bad post-partum depression with both children. At times it is hard for me to know what is "normal" pregnancy swings and what I should be wary of.

My midwife has referred me to a reproductive psychologist as she feels she will better be able to help me tell the difference between "normal" and "warning signs". Not that I am going crazy or anything, more that I just want to do all I can to be healthy in body and mind for this child. Also, lets face it, when you didn't have a healthy relationship with your own mother, it is pretty wild to think of yourself as becoming a mother. Well, at least it is for me. So I am going to give this head doc a try!

Those of you who have experienced the blues during pregnancy what helped you? What worked? What didn't? Do share. I don't feel that women talk about this side of pregnancy enough! Lets all help each other
I woke up this morning to a bouquet of flowers, french toast and snow glorious snow! Quite the way to celebrate the first day of my second trimester...don't you think?