Here is a sneak peak at what I have been up friends are starting to complain and ask what the hell is taking me so long! LOL! Craft fairs are a lot of work
I just love finding new music, don't you? And guess what? I finally made blog buttons! Weeeeeee! Yah html dorkyness! Sadly though I cannot figure out how to make them look all nice and purdy over there on the side bar. So I am posting them here. GRAB EM WHILE THEY'RE HAWT!
Searching 4 Serendipity
Searching 4 Serendipity
Don't forget to click here and  enter my contest! Name my owl stuffie, the winner gets their very own custom made owl and a crafty care package full of surprise goodies!
I love looking at photos. I can spend hours browsing on, or taking my own photos. I am never without a camera by my side. Currently I am inspired by these fab photo finds...and by love, light, balloons, skirts, sunshine and frills. Dont forget to enter my giveaway, contest ends Friday at midnight.
Head over here and share what you love to!
All images via, you guessed it,
Howdy folks! I am super excited because this is my first ever give away! I need a name for one of my newest stuffy creations. He is a super cute and wise looking owl made from eco-felt but sadly, poor lil guy has no name! All my other crafty creations do but for this poor lil sucker. I have a big craft fair coming up on the 21/22 and it would be great to have this cute lil guy named. Soooooooo enter my first blog'y contest/giveaway! Cast your votes kiddos! Let me know what you think this cute lil fellow should be called...
The winner gets there very own owl, hand made with lots of love by mois plus a cute lil crafty care package full of fun stuff sent to you in the mail. Post a comment on here with your name suggestions for one point and bonus points to folks who Twitter about it too! Dont forget to link back to this post using @La_Kamika on twitter! Contest closes midnight on Friday the 20th.......Ready? Set? GO! GO KITTENS GO!
First off, some happy/supportive/joyful comments would be much appreciated....our car was broken into! A big ol meany smashed our drivers side window and stole my hubby's brand new Iphone 4 and his Blackberry. We both feel totally violated and my poooooor car! Her feelings are hurt. The thief will get their Karma though.

Now on to the fun stuff, after all it is FRIDAY! And life is too short to dwell on negativity. Its time for Fill in the Blank goodness hosted by the ever so lovely Lauren! This weeks theme is birthdays:
1.  Birthdays are:  fun now that I relax and don't expect them to be perfect   

2.  My favorite birthday memory is: when I came home from work on my 29th birthday and my family surprised me by filling the house with roses and candles and a table covered in prezies all wrapped with pretty pink paper! It was so sweet and girly and cute! 

3.  A birthday tradition I (or my family) have is: my hubby always makes me breakfast in bed!

4.  If I had to choose one birthday meal to eat for the rest of my birthdays hence forward, I would choose: uhm, birthday cake?

5.  My birthday is on: June 25, 1980 I am a cancer! 

6.  If I could take a birthday trip I would go to see the ballet in New York all dressed up in my best duds with my hubby in a sexy suit      

7.  The best gift I've ever received for my birthday was: The camera I got for my 30th birthday. Its a Canon Rebel and I love it more then anything else I own!     
On another note I stumbled on this lovely concept: The Kind Hearted Blogger Pledge which I am happy to add my name too! Ahem..... AS A KIND-HEARTED BLOGGER I PLEDGE TO:
  • create, inspire, and admire rather than compete with fellow bloggers
  • be understanding of each other-- in the blogging community, as well as in the world
  • stay away from internet/blogging bullying
  • speak my opinion freely, while still being mindful of other's feelings-- be tactful.
  • make an effort--no matter how big or small the gesture, to spread kindness or joy to others
  • acknowledge that I will make mistakes, (I am only human) but remember to learn from them
  • know that at times I will post about the negative stuff in life, and maybe even some complaining (I am only human) but I will always follow up with something happy/positive too.
  • believe that this world is a good place, filled with good people.

I came across this lovely Flickr page and just had to share it with you all. I love this crafters style, and this photo in particular really spoke to me. Crafting, its a lifestyle.
I firmly believe that cute stuff alters our brain chemistry and makes us healthier. Happy = healthy and every time you smile you are sending positive vibes to your whole body. Watch this and not smile, I dare you! TOO CUTE!
Was a huge success! I had a lot of fun, met amazing people, sold lots and learned more! But the best part of all was seeing how excited kids got over my stuffies. These three sisters fell in love with my Bam-Bambi's and each went home with one. I was too busy to take many photos, but here are a few. More will follow from the Lynn Valley Craft Fair....August 21/22 B THERE!
(Hello new visitors, please note that comment sections are at the TOP of each blog post. Thanks for stopping by!)
1.  Today for breakfast I had a protein smoothie! Chocolate vegan protein powder, rhubarb, strawberries, blackberries, orange slices, almond milk, almond butter all blended up! Oh and with some cinnamon too. It was D-LISH!

2.  My go to/never fail recipe: a nice and easy pasta, always vegetarian, pesto tomato sauce and brown rice noodles. With some nice parmesan on top its a no-brainer!

3.  Something I eat that other people think is weird is: oh dear, lots. Goji berries, kale, swiss chard, rice pasta, nut crackers, quinoa.....

4.  My worst cooking disaster ever was when I sliced nearly through my finger, hit bone, and gave myself nerve damage in my finger....hence the "Kami is not allowed to use sharp knives rule"      

5.  If I could only eat one flavor of ice cream it would be classic french vanilla!

6.  One food I hate and avoid at all costs is Jamaican Jerk Chicken. Got a bad case of food poisoning from it once and wound up in the hospital. I will never eat it again.

7.  What is your favorite meal?  Breakfast, lunch, or dinner? Dinner because my hubby always cooks it and it is always yummy!
Hello to everyone participating in the blog hop and thanks for visiting, hope you will come back!
That's right kittens, I will be participating in my very first ever craft fair this sunday! And this one is super duper special because its not just a craft fair, its UNDER THE VOLCANO! A social justice festival that happens every year in Cates Park. Sadly this is the last year it will run and I am so honored to be a part of it! UTV always has amazing music from around the world, yummy ethic foods, speakers on important social and environmental justice issues and a KICK ASS artisan market! WITH ME! YAY! Come by and check out my plushies and brooch's made from EcoFelt, vintage button rings, paintings and more! I AM SO EXCITED!
My newest creation, Bam-Bambi