There is a few things around my house right now that I just love too much to not share! So of course a mini photo shoot was in order!
Super awesome thrifted quilt I found that I forgot I even had! Its actually something my gramma found from the thrift store she used to volunteer at.
It's proudly draped across my bed right now, the kitties approve.
Some super duper awesome thrifted tea cups I found to add to my day I will have to do a whole post on those!
This one told me that it really wants me to drink some champagne out of it soon :) That is another story.....
Yet another thrifty find! Vintage pillow case to be turned into a super awesome shirt, or if my hips will allow it skirt!
Beeeeeeeeeeeeeautiful sunflowers from my hubby!
But the best thing around my house right now? My hubby. Curled up in a blanket his gramma made for him, reading a book, drinking some tea. I love lazy dazy quiet nights, don't you?
9/1/2010 04:15:05 pm

He looks rather sweet all tucked up in his grandma blanket and his mugger's hoodie. x

9/2/2010 04:03:58 am

i so didn't know you were tea cup collector! i'll be keeping my eyes open out here for ya for some cups!

9/3/2010 11:04:56 pm

Just visiting from New Friend Fridays. I like your blog and writing style. I just became your next follower, hope it helps in your quest to reach 50 followers! Happy Weekend!


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