I will post the winner of the Owl giveaway later today, Im sorry for the delay! I am in a big craft fair this weekend and it has kept me super busy! Stay tuned! For now, here is a picture of me in some super awesome vintage cuteness!!!!! What I wore for the first day of the craft fair :)
8/23/2010 12:23:15 am

totally adorable dress!

5/4/2011 04:12:07 pm

I will post the winner of the Owl giveaway later today, Im sorry for the delay! I am in a big craft fair this weekend and it has kept me super busy! Stay tuned! For now, here is a picture of me in some super awesome vintage cuteness!!!!! What I wore for the first day of the craft fair :)

4/16/2012 03:10:33 pm

Designer purses carry a lucrative and mysterious past. If you can imagine, purses were carried in the form of bags that attached to belts (the prehistoric fanny-pack) and were usually made of simple cloth with a single leather band. Far from beginning as a fashion statement, purses were initially used primarily for function, and not fashion, which is a horrific thought for the modern woman! and [url=http://www.lisanala.com/Cheap-wallets-purse_c124 Designer purses] have become the epicenter of modern fashion and society.


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