Love letters written on the body
The importance of old fashioned girl talk
Magical cupcakes
Let your imagination child like
Less booze, more tea
(all images from
Kadek squared...
Indonesian is a fun language and fairly easy to grasp the basics of. They tend to hyper-exaggerate the last they do with my name Kamiiiiiiiii! And they also roll their "r's" in a delightful manner. I have been having fun practicing and thought Id share some with you all.

Selamat pagi!
Good morning (often simply said as "Pagi!")

Selemat sore
Good afternoon

Mato Sook Somai
Thank you very much (specifically in Balinese)

Terra Makasi
Thank you

Mo Buyar
Bill please

Bagus! (pronounced baagooose)
That's great! Very Nice!

Help me please

There are also essentially only 4 names in Bali:
Wayan - first born
Made - second born (prounounced Ma-day) this can also be Kadek, like the picture above :)
Nyoman - third born
Ketut - fourth born

It can get kind of we tend to identify people by what they do, where they live or the animals they raise such as Made-Gardener
Then there is the concept of "rubber time", the Balinese run on their own unique system of time. A very stretchy, verrrrrrrry elastic one. For example, Made-Gardener is coming over in 5 minutes...or so he said 8 hours ago.

Bali truly is a unique paradise. You can be in the throngs of a crazy, busy, bustling road and then turn a corner and stumble on to an oasis of calm.
The food here is simply to DIE FOR! Whether you are eating traditional Balinese or more Western options, you are guaranteed a delicious meal. Tiny lil beach front cafes called Warungs serve up Balinese food with a huge smile and the sound of the pounding surf. My favorite so far is Nasi Gorng, a wicked fried rice dish topped with an egg. Should you desire a less ethnic dish there is a plethora of restaurants to choose from, some of them serving up THE BEST Italian food any of us have EVER had....for $3-$5!
Whether you want to go out in bummy clothes or dress up and "be seen", there is something for everyone here. Last night we all got dressed up and went over to the Umalas Equestrian Resort to dine at Lestari (You can click on those names to view the stables and restaurant). We were surrounded by candles in an open air courtyard by a beautiful pool. Huge palm trees towered over us, crickets and frogs chattering away and in the distance the sound of horses neighing to each other. I of course had to wander over and visited the horsies...heaven!